St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: March 2020

Praying With Authority

What does it mean to live well and to pray well, when things are not so great? What can we learn from Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church about praying with authority?

Sunday Playlist: Be Strong In The Lord And In His Mighty Power

After the first week of increased isolation and widespread fear in the UK, we are focusing on Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church, specifically chapter 6.

Midweek Musings

This is the first of what will be a weekly communication. It has 4 basic sections: a reflective piece from Neil; an interview, a podcast or something similar; room for news; links to websites that might be helpful/interesting.

Prayers for Anxious Days

How should we pray during anxious days? We need to be joyful and gentle, with prayer that overcomes anxiety, guarding against anxious thoughts and put our faith into practice!

Sunday Playlist:Songs About
God's Faithfulness
and Purpose

Sunday Playlist: Songs About God’s Faithfulness and Purpose

Some songs which explore God’s faithfulness and purpose in uncertain times. They explore the theme in a variety of ways and will really encourage us.

Being Church During These Strange Days: An Update

In order to protect each other and all those around us we will not meet together as church for the time being. However, that doesn’t stop us being church!

Praying On Difficult Days

On difficult days, how do we pray and act to reveal the better story of the gospel? The Spirit helps us in our weakness and reminds us that we have a home, a hope and a help.

Being Church During These Strange Days

In these strange days, we’re being forced to think about what it means to be church together. These are some initial thoughts that might help us.