St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: December 2024

What You Need To Know (January 2025)

Details of what’s going on at Salford Elim Church over the next few weeks, along with some other useful links…

God In The Rushed Times

None of us have enough time to do all that we want to do. We feel hassled, rushed, time-poor. It can lead us being impatient with ourselves, each other and even God. The birth of a Saviour is a call to slow down, to see more and an invitation to be patient.

God In The Messy Place

Christmas scenes can look so nice. Pretty, even. It’s easy for it all to be sentimental. But births are always messy. And being born in a manger doesn’t help. Being born in a politically fraught time makes it worse. So what does God do? He steps into our mess, embraces it, challenges it and offers alternative ways to do life.

The Spirit And Hearing God

The Spirit helps us hear God In the early church it was normal to expect that you would hear from God – through one another. What does it means to be ready to speak in this way to one another and how can we make sure we can hear properly?The temptation to be self-sufficient is ever present. The Spirit guards us from the temptation by reminding us that we need what others can give us. We all get to play, we all get to join in, we all get to receive.

The Spirit And Belonging

The temptation to be self-sufficient is ever present. The Spirit guards us from the temptation by reminding us that we need what others can give us. We all get to play, we all get to join in, we all get to receive.

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