A Growing Church of Friends (Colossians 4:2-18)
What does it mean to go beyond a church of friendly strangers?
Paul was surrounded with people who had a clear aim together and lived sacrificially for one another. What does it take to be that sort of friend for one another?
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A Growing Church Living Consistently (Colossians 3:18-4:1)
Faith has to be lived out in the normal settings of marriages, homes and workplaces.
Paul’s teachings were radical in their day. We are called to live equally radically today.
What does the gospel look like Monday-Saturday?
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A Growing Church that Changes (Colossians 3:12-17)
There are things Paul wants people to stop doing, but there are far more new ways of life to live in. But because we are not perfect we have to find a way to live together.
Paul gives us a key to developing life-long relationships.
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A Growing Church Living on Jesus’ Coat-Tails (Colossians 2:9-3:11)
Paul wants these Colossian Christians to know that their lives are intrinsically linked to Jesus.
What happened to him happens to us.
It changes how we see everything in life.
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A Church of Good News (Colossians 1:24-2:8)
How do we deal with guilt?
In a performance-based culture, we find that the cross is scandalously good news.
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A Church Shaped by Jesus (Colossians 1:15-23)
In one of the richest passages of the New Testament, Paul composes a hymn that describes the majesty and wonder of Jesus.
In a culture of competing worldviews and religious ideas, he reminds this young church to keep Jesus at the centre of their lives; as the one who took on the sin of the world in order that it might be reconciled to himself.
It’s the gospel in a nutshell and is still scandalously good news today.
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A Church of Fruitfulness (Colossians 1:9-14)
This early part of Paul’s letter to a young church contains a meaty prayer. He prays for us to bear fruit as the Spirit does his work in us.
What does fruitfulness look like where you live and work?
God has rescued us, but from what and for what purpose?
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A Church Shaped By Faith Hope Love (Colossians 1:1-8)
What does it mean to be a community built on faith, hope and love?
At the beginning of a new series, we explore these three ancient principles which became the foundation of the early church.
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Worshipping in a Hostile Environment (Mark 14:1-11)
When a woman does something extravagant in the company of Jesus, his disciples are outraged.
Jesus, however, says she has done a beautiful thing that should be remembered for all time.
We are called to worship in all sorts of environments and contexts. It’s not always going to be easy and we may be misunderstood, but Jesus sees our hearts and accepts the offering we bring.
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Jesus and Big Questions: What is the Greatest Commandment?
The last and, perhaps most important, question posed to Jesus was this: “What is the greatest commandment?”
Jesus’ response was clear and simple – Love God and love your neighbour.
You can’t love God without it resulting in love for people – the two are inseparable.
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