St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: July 2013

Partners in Prayer

Partners in Prayer – August 2013

Several churches in Salford have agreed to support and encourage one another by praying for each other on a rotational basis.

Songs for the Road

Songs for the Road – Psalm 13

A look at Psalm 13, a psalm of David, and a personal lament.

Songs for the Road

Songs for the Road – a look at some of the Psalms

Over the summer we will look at some of the Psalms – songs sung to God, at certain times in certain places, that allow us to live our whole life confidently in his presence.

New beginnings

New beginnings

A look at John 3, and what it tells us about new beginnings.

CAP Money Course

Looking for help controlling your finances?

A course to help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt.

Party in the Park

Party in the Park tomorrow! Buile Hill Park, 1-5pm. Free for everyone!

A free afternoon of fun, activities, music and prayer in Buile Hill Park.

The Vine Cafe

Today’s special at The Vine: Bacon, egg, and tomato

Served on either a panini, bagel, or wrap (you choose), with a coffee, all for just £3.50

The Vine Cafe

Today’s special at The Vine: Bacon and brie

Served on either a panini, bagel, or wrap (you choose), with a coffee, all for just £3.50

The Vine Cafe

Today’s special at The Vine: Cajun chicken

Served on either a panini, bagel, or wrap (you choose), with a coffee, all for just £3.50

Partners in Prayer

Partners in Prayer – July 2013

Several churches in Salford have agreed to support and encourage one another by praying for each other on a rotational basis.

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