St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

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Jesus The Saviour: Everyday Salvation

Who are we when we think no one is watching?

Knowing that Jesus is our Saviour changes our everyday relationships – in family life and work life, following Jesus makes all the difference in the world.

Jesus The Saviour: It’s Not Fair

Who do you think you are?

Paul’s vision for the church was that it would demonstrate the unity of Jew and Gentile. The wider world could only see their differences.

Paul knew that they could be one because of Jesus – and that it was the grace he showers upon us in salvation that is the source of our unity.

Jesus The Saviour: The Big Idea

Who do you think you are?

Paul’s vision for the church was that it would demonstrate the unity of Jew and Gentile. The wider world could only see their differences

Paul knew that they could be one because of Jesus – and that it was the grace he showers upon us in salvation that is the source of our unity.

Welcoming Sarah – Assistant Pastor

Today we welcomed Sarah to be an assistant pastor with us in Salford. Together with Phil, her husband, and her children they will be making our church their home.

We were also joined by our Regional Leader, Pastor James Glass.

Jesus Keeps His Promise

He has promised that he will build the church. Tomorrow we will ask the obvious question: 

‘How will he build his church?’

Come and be encouraged and challenged. Together we are part of Jesus’ promise.

Celebrate Jesus: Our Stories Of Lives Changed

Join us and listen to people share their stories of how faith in Jesus has led to changed directions, new priorities and a deep sense of purpose.

Celebrate Jesus: Praying For A Different Future

Join us as we pray together in creative ways – that God will change the story for our city.

The King’s Mission Continues

The story finishes in a similar way to how it started. Jesus comes to people who have messed up, who know they aren’t capable, who aren’t to be trusted and he restores purpose and personhood to them.

He did it then, and he still does.

The King’s Newness

Have you woken on a morning, blinked in the sunshine, and heard the birds knowing that today will be a good day?  

It’s Resurrection morning! The King offers us the power to live a new life in the sun.

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