St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: January 2024

We Need A New Heart

One of the questions that crops up at regular intervals throughout life is one of the most basic ones: ‘Can we change? Can the direction of my life change?’

Jesus offers hope that things are not fixed, that change is possible to all who are open.

It begins with the heart.

First Sign – Jesus Offers New Life

Too many of us wonder whether we are good enough, or fear what others might think about us.

The power of shame can be crippling.

Jesus rescues us from that power so that we can live joy-filled lives.

When He Calls, I’ll Follow

Life is complicated.

We can either try to work out our own pathway, or we can accept the invitation of the One who knows where he is going and wants us to walk alongside him.

A Light-Filled Eternal Life

John’s gospel, written for people who may never have met Jesus, or perhaps even been born when Jesus was on earth, needed to be rooted in understanding who Jesus was and what his actions meant for them in their time.

We are in the same place as them.

What You Need To Know (January 2024)

Details of what’s going on at Salford Elim Church over the next few weeks, and also further into 2024, along with some other useful links…

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