St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: March 2024

Are You Looking In The Right Place?

The first Easter Sunday began with frightened women and perplexed men peering into an empty grave looking for their friend who had been killed a few days earlier.

They were looking in the wrong place.

They would find him and their worlds would be turned upside down.

It’s just that he was never going to be found in a graveyard. He had risen.

Life would never be the same again.

Jesus Gives A New Start

Sometimes our pain is caused by the reactions of others.

We can be overcome by their disapproval and condemnation of us and the way we live.

We can be overcome by their disapproval and condemnation of us and the way we live.

Watch how Jesus deals with the sense of guilt and the condemnation of others.

Jesus Gives The Spirit

Everyone wants to be ‘spiritual’ but no one wants to be ‘religious’.

What do we mean by ‘spirituality’ and what does it mean to be filled with the Spirit of God in everyday life?

Jesus Gives His Life

What did Jesus mean when he identified a piece of bread with his flesh?

What does it mean to feed on Jesus?

What is happening in communion?

And is it any surprise that people were confused by Jesus at times?

Jesus Gives Security

What is your deepest hunger?

What are the things that feel insatiable?

For some it’s intimacy, for others security, for others it might be approval.

John points us to Jesus who feeds our deepest hungers.

What You Need To Know (March 2024)

Details of what’s going on at Salford Elim Church over the next few weeks, and also further into 2024, along with some other useful links…