St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: Coming Home

Coming Home: The Gracious Welcome

Some days it’s hard to bite your tongue. You want to say ‘I told you so’. The hurt you might have felt can still linger.

So what does it mean to welcome prodigals?

What does it mean to act like a Father who always goes to meet lost children?

Coming Home: The Shortest Step

You don’t need to be miles away to be away from home. Sometimes the most difficult thing is to cope with the resentment in your own heart that stops you joining the party…

Coming Home: The Long Return

It’s one of the oldest plotlines in the world: a youngster longs for adventure, burns his bridges at home, gets onto the open road and in time gets into a mess. That’s when they realise they have a choice. You can stay in the mess or you can return home – but changed…