St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: grace

Receive Grace – An Undemanding Guest

Jesus is coming for tea. There’s so much to prepare for such an important guest.

But Jesus is the most undemanding of guests, and what He wants more than a great meal and a spotless house is to spend time with you.

Will you make time for Him?

Receive Grace – An Embarrassing Guest

Jesus was regularly invited to meals. Some wanted to argue with him, others just wanted to get close to him.

Some folks were socially at ease with him. But some seemed to make a fuss – to such an extent that it could be embarrassing.

But Jesus didn’t seem fazed by it, In fact he seemed to enjoy it. Maybe it was because he knew that this is how grace feels to those starved of hope.

That’s still how it feels.

Receive Grace – Jesus Knocks

One of the most difficult things we have had to deal with over the last year is the loss of close contact with others.

We will be part of the healing process to the extent that we offer space, time and food to others.

Hospitality matters! But we will always feel awkward if we haven’t come to terms with the fact that Jesus asks to eat with us first – in all our mess and confusion.

The Good News of Christmas

Jesus came for everyone who feels forgotten, everyone who feels on the outside of society, for those who worry that they’re not good enough for God.

God doesn’t love us because of anything we’ve done. He loves us because of His lavish grace.

New songs for Sunday – part of the series on ‘Grace’

Here are two new songs we are planning to introduce this Sunday at church. They both relate to our current series on God’s amazing grace.

Grace Offered

Grace Offered

A story that we know so well – a Good Samaritan that deserves his fame. But could a real world embrace radical grace?

Grace Intro

Grace – an introduction to our new series

Throughout autumn we will be looking at Luke’s gospel, trying to allow ourselves the space and time to be overwhelmed with God’s grace, and the grace we see around us.

How To Get Into Heaven

A man dies and meets Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter says to the man, “Here’s how it works. You need to have one hundred points to get into heaven. You tell me about all the good things you’ve done. They are all worth a certain number of points. If your total is one hundred…
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