St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: Making Sense

Making Sense – What Could The Future Be?

Every morning we wake up and enter a future that we have not yet encountered. This future will be shaped in part by all the decisions we have taken up to this point, but as followers of Jesus, it will also be shaped by the way we see our lives joining in with God’s Big Story…

Making Sense – What Time Is It?

As the ancient sage said: there’s a time for everything… including change.

But how do we know what time it is for us? What is it too late for? What is it just the right time for?

When thinking about change, being able to tell the time makes all the difference.

Making Sense – Who Am I Becoming?

Change is inevitable. It happens to us all, and it affects us all. How we respond to that change will be different for each of us.

How can we ensure that we embrace the changes that will be good news for us in a way that will help us grow closer to God?

Making Sense – Where Am I?

There are times in life when it feels like we should be making changes, we just might not know what to change or how. We’ve got to start somewhere – the place where we already are.