St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: outreach

This changes everything

Jesus said, ‘Love me first, then love others.’ And it’s easy for me to love Him, but the love I have for Christ must spill over to those I see every day…

How To Start A Movement

I recently came across this short video from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). Although it’s a talk from ‘secular’ society, I think it has a very powerful message for the church too. We need to work together as a body if we want to see a movement start up.

Light Of The World

Light Of The World

This is an amazingly powerful stop-motion video set to the song In This World by Enter The Worship Circle. Watch it – I think you’ll like it…

The Missional Church… Simple

A 2-minute explanation of what a “missional church” is. [youtube]arxfLK_sd68[/youtube]