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07771 558 058

Tag: politics

Praying In Times Of Political Uncertainty

In times of political upheaval and uncertainty, how should Christians pray? As we look to the early church fathers, we may be challenged by their example.

Resources To Help You Pray For Politicians

Resources To Help You Pray For Politicians

We can feel confused and paralysed by where to begin praying for our politicians. To help you, we’ve collected together some useful resources to help you.

EU Referendum: 5 useful resources to help you decide

Following on from Neil’s sermon on Sunday about the EU referendum, here are some useful resources to help you think about this important decision.

How should Christians decide how to vote in the EU referendum?

I’m not going to tell you how I’m going to vote, or how I think you should vote. But what does the Bible say about making this sort of decision?

Hang On A Minute!

What would you say to David Cameron & Nick Clegg if you had just one minute with them? Would you talk to them about world issues, such as poverty & aid, or maybe about taxes & budget cuts, or how about sharing your thoughts on ‘Big Society’? Well now’s your chance to send a message…
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A Thought About The General Election

How do we engage with elections and politics as Christians? What does the Bible say about politics? How should we pray about elections?

Jesus’ Alternative Election Strategy

Over the course of this election campaign, there has been a lot of discussion around where the three major political parties stand on Christian values & morals, including the Westminster2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience, Christians in Politics, and a series of short pieces by Christians who support the different parties published by The Times, stating why…
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General Election 2010

In a couple of weeks’ time we will have a new government, and for the first time in over a decade there is real uncertainty about who this will be.  You might find these sites helpful to your thinking, as you decide how to vote. Faith and Elections Christians In Politics Evangelical Alliance – General…
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