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Tag: Ruth

Salvation’s Story Includes You!

The genealogies at the end of Ruth & at the start of Matthew’s gospel are full of remarkable people. What has God called you to continue to be committed to?

Where Is God’s Hand In Our Decision Making?

Both Ruth and Boaz took risks in order to create new possibilities for others. What might God be asking of us which could prove redemptive for others in our families and work places?

Where Is God’s Hand In Our Good Luck?

How do we make sense of the good things that happen in life which are beyond our control? Do we put them down to luck or is God involved somehow? “When I pray, coincidences happen; when I don’t, they don’t.” William Temple — Salford Elim Church (@SalfordElim) 17 November 2019

Where Is God’s Hand In Our Suffering?

The book of Ruth is a story of God’s hand in the midst of an ordinary family. When tragedy strikes, we, like Naomi, may well ask: ‘where are you God?’

An Introduction To Ruth

Through November we’re making sense of life by reading the book of Ruth together. Join us if you can. If you can’t, you might find this interesting anyway.


We’re going to be looking at the book of Ruth for the next few weeks.  These articles might help you to reflect on what might be happening in this short book, and why it might be applicable to us today. Bible studies on Ruth #1 Bible studies on Ruth #2 Bible studies on Ruth #3…
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