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Tag: wisdom

The Wisdom Of The Cross

The Wisdom Of The Cross: We Were Saved; We Are Saved; We Will Be Saved

What difference does the cross actually make to the past, present and future of the human race and the material world?

The Wisdom Of The Cross

The Wisdom Of The Cross: What Did It Achieve?

What did the cross actually achieve? It stripped the authorities of their powers and broke the chains of things that hold us.

Wisdom Lived Out In Daily Work & Community

Wisdom Lived Out In Daily Work & Community

The book of Proverbs ends with the description of an amazing role model who shows us what Godly wisdom looks like, lived out in every area of life.

Growing In Wisdom - A Life To Pursue

Growing In Wisdom: A Life To Pursue

The book of Proverbs contains lots about humility. In fact, it’s where wisdom begins; with a realisation that you know nothing in comparison to the creator.

Growing In Wisdom: A Choice To Make

Life is full of choices. Sometimes two paths can look the same but one way leads to life and the other to death. Wisdom helps us to choose the right one.

Growing In Wisdom - A Path To Take

Growing In Wisdom: A Path To Take

Many of Solomon’s proverbs are given by a father to his son. Rather than hoping for our children purely to be happy, surely it’s better that they are wise?

Praying For Wisdom In Turbulent Times

Praying For Wisdom In Turbulent Times

Psalm 2 is an introduction for how to pray not for ourselves as individuals, but with a broader view; for those in authority to have wisdom.

Growing In Wisdom To Live Well

Growing In Wisdom To Live Well

God has given us everything we need in order to know him better and apply that knowledge in our everyday lives – his word and his Spirit.