St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Sermons

Uncomfortable Mission – When It’s Difficult

Paul and Silas continue on the mission to Philippi, but very soon life becomes increasingly difficult.

What can we learn from their story, about continuing in missional activity, when life gets difficult?

Uncomfortable Mission – When It’s Unclear

A mixed race man, a group unsure why their plans had been disrupted, a meeting with a woman outside a city.

Luke paints a series of small portraits of people making sense of life as God opens up something that none of them could have anticipated.

God does lead us, but sometimes we need to train ourselves to make sense of what He is opening up for us…

The Threat Of Loss – Taking A Risk Of Trust

With each step forward that the mission took, it feels as though there were forces pushing back. Sometimes the opposition was obvious, things were threatened because of internal relationships. Paul and Barnabas had a massive, full on shouting row about a young man, John Mark who had left them. Barnabas wanted to give him a second chance, Paul thought that would be unwise.

How do we make sense of the moments where we know we have really messed up and need to be given another chance? How do we know when to give people a chance?

The Threat Of Loss – Opening Doors To Others

Acts 15 is the story of the early church’s challenge.

Their challenge is not ours, but it does shed light on how we might be able to learn from them so that we can face our challenges well…

The Threat Of Loss – The Only Way To New Life

Every breakthrough costs you something. Every situation that changes happens because someone has paid a price. It costs time, strength, emotions investment, money. Nothing is changed without the threat of loss…

The Widening Story – Telling Our Story Well

We need security and we need leaders that we can trust. Especially when we face crises. Without these where do we turn?

People protest, they break laws, or simply put their heads down and do their best. But in the meantime, community crumbles.

We need more…

The Power Encounter – Dark Spiritual Powers

God wants us to be led by His Spirit – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make logical plans.

God wants you to be good news – but it doesn’t mean that you won’t find yourself in moments of confrontation…

The Power Encounter – Herod

The story of Peter’s release is one that sees the overturning of Herod’s power, as the state is unable to keep the church leader in prison.

The church relying on the God of the Passover that answers his people’s prayers do the only thing they can. They pray. And whilst they do not seem to believe that the miracles of old will still happen, they do!

We often find ourselves in the same place. Feeling the lack of power, reliant on God and then amazed when He comes through for us…

Acting Like Jesus – Together As Church

There are some churches you would want to join if you could. Antioch is one of those churches. A flexible, generous, boundary-breaking church.

As we reflect on their life together in c50 AD, we get inspired to keep growing into all this and more in 2020!

Elim Summertime Sunday Service

This week we used a service that has been put together by Elim centrally, “Elim Summertime”.

Our denominational leaders decided to put together a service that churches could use to let all the folks who have worked so hard behind the scenes could have a week off.

We hope you enjoy the service.

Acting Like Jesus – Accepting The Unexpected

‘I didn’t expect to see you here.’

When we get to heaven I think we will say that about quite a few people.

We can be so sure about who God would want on his side that we can feel indignant when he shows us that we were wrong!

Acting Like Jesus – Healing

Can anything change?
Do things always have to be the same?

The early Christians in Acts were certain of a few things: that Jesus had risen from the dead and that meant that things could change – even the worst of things.

The same truths define us: we live in a world where awful things happen. But the resurrected Jesus is still at work.…