St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Videos

The Christmas Story

Have you seen all four of our new short videos, reminding us of the story at the heart of Christmas?

If not (or if you want to watch them again), you can watch them all here…

Ian and Morag – 10 Years On…

An interview with Ian & Morag, reflecting back on their time as part of Salford Elim Church over the last 10 years.

It’s Not Too Late. It’s Not Too Soon.

We may feel it’s too late for something to happen, or that things have happened too soon for us.

But God holds our future, holds our past, and holds us today. We need to learn to put our time in His hands.

Christmas Changes Everything

The good news of Christmas was for people who felt undervalued, overlooked and not particularly significant.

News that a saviour is born, change is here and that everything can be different.

It still is…

The Good News of Christmas

Jesus came for everyone who feels forgotten, everyone who feels on the outside of society, for those who worry that they’re not good enough for God.

God doesn’t love us because of anything we’ve done. He loves us because of His lavish grace.

In Between The Man and The Message

This is the film I was talking about during our service on Sunday, which paints a picture of what it means to be a life-long follower of Jesus.

Amos: An introduction

Here’s a short introduction to the book of Amos, which we’re looking at over the next few weeks in our Sunday morning services at Salford Elim Church.

People in 33AD knew that people didn’t rise from the dead – that would just be ridiculous…

There’s sometimes an assumption that people in Jesus’ time would have more readily believed that people could rise from the dead.


Have you ever thought about worship being anything other than for and to God alone?

Music band

A couple of new(ish) songs for this Sunday

Just giving you a heads up about a couple of new(ish) songs we are introducing this Sunday at church.