The Spirit says create
In Exodus 31, the Spirit gives Bezalel gifts so that he can create something of beauty. How does the Spirit work like that in our lives?
In Exodus 31, the Spirit gives Bezalel gifts so that he can create something of beauty. How does the Spirit work like that in our lives?
The Spirit is involved in the creation of the world, the people of God and the church. He is the life-giving Spirit – God’s breath living in us.
From the opening verses of the Bible to the final words, the Spirit is present in the Bible. Always creative, always bringing new life into being, always pointing forwards.
There are a couple of events happening this weekend, that we wanted to make you aware of.
A look at how the Spirit acted in the Bible, and how that challenges our expectations of life now.
What’s happening at Salford Elim Church in January?