St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

January at Salford Elim

Latest news

Midweek Groups

We know that for many people, they appreciate the chance to make contact with people during the week, not just on Sunday.  At the moment these are the groups that are running during the week:

Men’s Group

There is a men’s group that meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 8pm at Frank’s house, 47 Moorfield Road, Salford.  It’s normally a time when we talk about what has been happening in life, and read the Bible together and try and make sense of everything.  If you want to be part of that group, talk to Rob McGibbon or Neil.

Women’s Group

The women will be gathering at Mary’s house for 7.30pm on Thursday 28th. We would love you to pop in and say hello. Please come and chat to Mary if you would like to ask any questions about it.

The other times we will be together are Wednesdays:
February 25th
March 25th
April 22nd
Mary 27th
June 24th
July 22nd

Book Group

There is also a Book Group that meets once a month on the second Wednesday of every month at the Vine Café at 8pm.

[success]It’s likely that new groups will begin this year.  Our hope is that as many people as possible are able to connect with others during the weeks.[/success]

The Vine Cafe

We’re really pleased with the way the cafe has been developing in the community over the last year. Our hearts are to build relationships with those who live around us or we even live by!

One of the challenges we face is staffing; for anything to run smoothly, and for us to stay on top of things, we need people who will give a couple of hours to either serve, wash dishes, pop in and tidy the cupboard, clean the windows, keep the shelving clean and clutter free, etc.

This isn’t because we’re lazy(!), but more because when we’re short staffed, it’s difficult to stay on top of everything.

Please speak with Mary if you have some spare time.

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