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6 Useful Tools To Help You Read The Bible

6 Useful Tools To Help You Read The Bible

Reading the Bible can be a bit daunting for all of us, whether we are just beginning, or whether we have been doing it for ages and know that we need to go deeper in our understanding.

There are so many helps that it is hard to know where to begin – here are some links to get you started – whether you are a first time reader, or have been going for some time.

1. The Bible Project

The Bible Project is a brilliant resource that helps you know how to read the Bible, but also gives brilliant overviews of the different books of the Bible as well as the overall story that the Bible tells. Highly recommended.

2. How to Read and Pray

Knowing how to begin to read the Bible and pray, and how to make it part of your ongoing life is basic for us all. The article from Scripture Union here gives some practical guidelines that you can use.

3. Where To Start Reading The Bible?

If you want a reading scheme that suggests an order in which to read the Bible, this is a good one from the NIV website.

4. Bible In One Year

A very popular app that has daily readings and comments by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, and will help you read the Bible in a year, can be downloaded here.

5. Bible App

Another app that around 360 million people have downloaded (and it is going up all the time) is the Bible App (it does what it says on the tin). You can download it here.

6. Recommended Bible Commentaries

And if you are looking for specific commentaries that are helpful, there are good recommendations from Tim Challies here.

Hopefully, there will be something in the list above that will really help you.

Maybe you can let us know when you have tried them and which you found useful in the comments below?

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