We will be having a one hour service on Good Friday (18 April) morning at 10.30am. This is a quieter, more reflective service, as we pay close attention to the events around the crucifixion of Jesus.
And on Easter Sunday we celebrate!
For many people in our country, the Easter weekend is simply an opportunity to have a long weekend break. We enjoy that as well. But for us it is the centre-point of our faith. So if you are planning to be away – enjoy the time – but do carve out space to do your own reflections. If you are at home, do come and experience the story again with us.
Good Friday and Duchy Mission
After our service on Good Friday, at 12pm, we will be opening The Vine Cafe to give away coffee and cake. During the week leading up to this the Duchy Team will be knocking on doors, giving away Creme Eggs that you have very kindly given to us, and inviting people to come and have a coffee with us.
Please come and grab a coffee with us, and intentionally look out for people in The Vine Cafe who you have never spoke to and introduce yourself. God is growing His church, and we are glad He has invited us to be part of reaping the harvest.
If you would like to give us some Creme Eggs for this outreach please give them to Debbie King.
Weekend Away
On 9-11 May, we will be going away to Cefn Lea (mid-Wales) for our church weekend away. If you want more details, or would like to go, please speak with Jo Northall as soon as possible.
If you have said you are going, we do need deposits and money to be paid. If money is an issue, please talk with Mary or Neil.
Remember The Poor & Marginalised
Ian and Rosie are hosting the second night of prayer for those who work with the poor and marginalised in Greater Manchester, as part of The Year of Prayer 2014. The event is an opportunity to show support for and pray with those who serve some of the ‘least of these’ in our region.
Marlene and Arthur will be there representing Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy, in addition to Betel and Church Action on Poverty.
Do come along and show solidarity with these great organisations. It’s being held at St. Barnabus Chapel, Hardy Lane, Chorlton, M21 8DH on Friday the 11th of April, at 7.30pm.
Partners in Prayer
This month we are partnering with St. James Hope Church on Eccles Old Road. We know the minister, Cyprian, and he really values our support and prayers.
Please pray for him, the church and their impact for the gospel in the area. See the notice board in church for specific prayer requests.
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