In these strange days, we’re being forced to think about what it means to be church together. These are some initial thoughts that might help us.
- We need to be aware and sensible, but not overcome by fear. For all of us, our lives are in the hands of the Lord.
- It’s still OK to meet on Sundays together – this may change in days ahead, so let’s meet while we can! Some of you might feel the need to stay away because you are particularly vulnerable to the virus. If you do stay away because of this, PLEASE DO LET US KNOW.
- Wash your hands before you come and when you get home (at least!).
- We are a very tactile church – in these days we need to learn new ways of greeting one another. Avoid hugging one another and offering handshakes. Double up on the smiling!
- During this season we will not be sharing communion together. It might be low risk, but it will reassure people who might feel uneasy about passing the bread. Maybe not taking it together for a while will make it all the more precious when we begin again.
- If you’re sick, please look after other people by staying away. BUT DO LET US KNOW!
- If there is a need, we will start to stream at least part of the services.
- Small groups will really matter – and might be able to meet through this crisis. Over half the church are already part of the Connect groups, the house groups, the craft group or the prayer group. If you are part of these groups stay in touch with each other and meet as and when you are scheduled. If you are not part of a group and would want to connect with others, let Neil or Ian know and we will add you in so that there will be people around you.
- Finances – many of you give faithfully and regularly by standing order and we are really grateful. The costs of church will continue through this time, if you can keep on giving through this time that will be great. If you want to start giving via standing order, we can give you the details. If you want to make bank transfers, we can give you our bank details.
- Being church has always been about allowing the love of Christ to overflow to others. History tells us that the church has sometimes been at its absolute best in days like these as they have cared for those around them. Jesus’ church has form in these situations. It’s our turn now.
- There might be other things – but this list is already too long! Keep your hands washed!