I’ve been eagerly anticipating the release of Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication since I first heard about it last year.
And I haven’t been disappointed!
The brainchild of Tim Schraeder (co-director of the Center for Church Communication), and containing input from over 60 different people, it’s a useful book for anyone interested in church communication (and not just in an online capacity!).
The topics covered are:
- General Communication
- Leadership
- Branding
- Design
- Words and Stories
- Technology
- Creativity
- Personal Growth
- Outreach
It’s packed full of useful hints and tips, encouragement and lessons learned.
Currently the Kindle edition is the only way to get hold of this in the UK, but at £3.61 this represents amazing value for money!
If you’re involved in communicating the greatest story ever told, the message of the gospel, then this book will be invaluable to you!
(adapted from an article originally posted on maylor.net)