This prayer week is a week where we can all spend time reflecting and praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.
How to structure the week
Find a space and a time that will allow you to read and pray in an unhurried way. For most of us, that may not be very long. It’s more important to keep bringing back to mind the thoughts through the day, so that they can stay as a guide for you – whatever you are doing.
Each day has a suggested Bible passage to read – read the passage, pray, and then spend some time thinking and reflecting on what you’ve read & prayed.
Luke 19:28-44
As Jesus enters into Jerusalem, he comes as King, but the city will ultimately reject him.
In verse 41, Jesus cries over the city, saying that if they had only known what would bring them peace, they would have embraced him.
What are the places you go to that need the peace of Jesus?
Pray that they will accept the King who comes to bring his kingdom.
If you have a thought or reflection for this that you’d like to share, please leave a comment below.