We are called to follow in the footsteps of the one spoke up for truth and justice. He uses people like us to be part of his great restoration plan.
During this sermon you’ll hear a short interview with Hannah – one of the brilliant people in our church.
These are some of the resources that she suggested would be helpful to follow up about Human Trafficking/Modern Slavery and engaging with standing for justice.
- The book that first inspired me to get involved. Good News About Injustice: 10th anniversary edition: A Witness Of Courage In A Hurting World
- Learn how to spot the signs of trafficking in your local community and how to report concerns. Stop The Traffik
- Prayer resources from International Justice Mission UK. (This is just one example, but I worked for IJMUK, so I’m more familiar with these.)
- If you have have an interest in your business or organisation joining a Modern Slavery network to share good practice, receive training, etc then Programme Challenger (Greater Manchester’s partnership response to serious and organised crime) may be able to help.
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