In line with the rest of society, we’re asking you do some things if you’re coming to our onsite services at St. James from this Sunday:
- Wear face masks in church throughout the services and when moving around in the building, unless we are speaking/leading/singing from the front of the church.
- If you’re exempt from wearing a mask on medical grounds, it’s probably easiest for you to wear your lanyard to make this clear to those around you.
- We would also encourage you to take a lateral flow test before you come to church to ensure that you don’t bring more to church than you intend to! You can get these from lots of locations around Salford, as well as order them to be delivered to your home.
The size of the St. James building helps us with mitigating against risks, and we want to keep meeting together while we are able, so we will continue to take advice from Elim nationally following the guidelines while praying that one day this will no longer be needed!
The good news is that the vaccinations (especially with the additional booster jab) are being reported as being particularly effective.
So if you’re over 40 – go and get jabbed again.
And if you’re distressed to be over 40, tell everyone you are just popping out for a pint of milk!