St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Midweek Musings – Neither An Amoeba Nor The Star

A 99 year-old man died and the media screeched to a halt. Every channel was telling the same story, all the BBC radio stations combined to do the same. And you had to get to page 32 on the papers the next day to find out whether anything else had been happening in the world.

You might have been enthralled by the stories, irritated by the extent of the coverage, or somewhere in-between, aware of waning interest as the same material was repeated over and over.

His diplomatic gaffes, his friendships, his uneasy family relationships all were raked over. Would you want to spend your whole life under this sort of gaze? Which of us would come out well from this sort of attention?

After all, it only happened because he fell in love with a young woman in a family who never thought she would be queen. But from that moment, he would always be two steps behind her, always in the support role, never in the starring role.

No wonder that from time to time, his frustration spilled out in frustration. Like the time when he realised that his children would take the surname Windsor (hers) rather than Mountbatten (his), and said he’d been assigned the role of ‘an amoeba’.

It’s hard not to be reminded of another man who was equally outshone by his wife. Which young boy ever wanted to be Joseph in the nativity play? All you got to do was tramp alongside a donkey, watching awkwardly while others, in better costumes, arrived with gifts. Even the inn keeper got lines to say. Joseph just stood back and let the stars of the story shine.

The reality is that you might know exactly how that feels. You’re the quiet one in the office. You’re dependable, reliable, careful. And sometimes it grates that the more charismatic folks get all the attention. And it can’t be fair that you’re passed over for promotion again.

Or you’re married to the ‘popular’ one, the life and soul of the party. But no one knows that behind closed doors, you’re the one who reassures, who makes sure things happen, who remembers birthdays, who makes it all work.

Or in church, you’ve not been asked to lead or to speak. And you don’t mind, but it would have been nice to have been asked. It’s easy to feel overlooked.

Some days you know the frustration of thinking you’re an amoeba.

Except you’re not. To badly paraphrase the psalmist, you are lower than the angels, but far above the amoebas. You’re the one that bears the glory of the creator, you’re the one known and seen and valued. You’re the one that may have been overlooked, whose contribution many only be truly recognised when you can’t offer it any longer.

You’re the one making someone else look good. You’re Aaron, Miriam, Naomi, Martha, Barnabas, Silas, Philemon, Gaius … Philip.

Lower than the angels, way higher than an amoeba, shining in your service like stars in dark skies.

We might overlook you, but the One who sees never will.

Watch & Enjoy

If you weren’t with us on Good Friday, you missed a great time together which included a couple of great songs. This one has the added bonus of bagpipes – I would love to see these in our worship band in the future (any hidden bagpipers amongst us?)

And this one was the acapella song that closed our time together.

Coming Up

Getting Involved in the New Phase of Church

We will be holding our first service in St James, Eccles Old Road on Sunday 6 June at 11.30am. Moving back to in person worship means that we will have lots of opportunities to be involved in the ministry of the church. But high on our priorities is the work we do with children and young people.

There are opportunities to create a safe, secure place for our youngest toddlers in the creche; you can work with children in small groups as they explore the same Bible passages that will be being preached about in adult church; you might have craft skills that children could work on with you; you might be able to be involved with light-touch mentoring with the young people; you might be willing to help with practical tasks.

You might not know what you have to offer, you just might know you want to invest in the next generation. Let’s talk with you about how you can be involved. Contact Morag if you would like to know more.

An Offer of Counselling Support

One of the ministries we have as a church is the Community Counselling Service. During this Covid crisis we have continued to offer Counselling remotely via zoom or telephone. There are however, limitations with remote sessions.

We are now offering Walk And Talk Counselling to anyone from church who would benefit from counselling or those known to church members. We would agree a time to meet at the Tea Kiosk in Lightoaks Park and would walk at a slow pace for the 50 minute session.

If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith Thompson, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.

Our Regular Gatherings

Sunday Service

Sundays at 10.30am

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 836 810 848

And on Salford Elim Church’s YouTube page.

And at 10am, led by Hannah:

If you would love the privilege of praying for our Sunday morning service, then we need you! Log on to the Sunday morning Zoom using the link above at 10am and we’ll go into a break out room for 15-20mins, to pray together for those involved in the service, as well as for the service itself.

I’d love to see you there xxx

Lunchtime in Exile

This week we finished reading through the Book of Revelation together. Thanks to all of you who walked the journey together. I hope it helped. If you weren’t able to be with us, all the sessions were recorded and can be watched here:

Wellbeing Course

Thursdays, 1-2.30pm

This week is the final session of the Wellbeing course.

Coffee Morning

Wednesday at 10.30am.

A Wednesday morning is the ideal time to catch up with people, have a brew, even involve yourself with a quiz.

Meeting link

Prayer Meeting

Thursday at 7.30pm

We are meeting on Thursday to pray for one another. If you have things you want us to pray about – please contact Ian beforehand. If you want us to pray with you personally, then please come along.


Prayer Meeting


Contact Corinne Baines or Gill Oldham or Neil and they’ll make sure you are able to connect.

If in doubt

All the links to the meetings are in ChurchSuite and on the ‘Calendar’ section of our church website:

You’re not alone

If you need help and don’t know where to turn, you are always welcome to contact Neil on 07771 558058.

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