St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

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NewsChurch Social: Saturday 6th November, 7.30pm

Thanks to all of you who have said you are coming and bringing food, to those who cannot come we will miss you!

Please bring your own refreshments for the evening, we want to make this as easy as possible for everyone involved in setting up, we will provide cups etc…it would be great at the end of the evening if we could all pitch in together and get the hall ready for the service the following morning (First Sunday). We are looking forward to a good night together!

We would also like to have a bonfire, however we are struggling for wood. If you have anything that needs burning please send us a message, or contact Matt and let him know, otherwise the bonfire could be a little deflated!

Teaching on the Holy Spirit: Saturday 6th November, 10am-12pm

Over the last few weeks we have been running an Alpha Course, we are at the point in the teaching which looks at the work of the Holy Spirit. Neil will be guiding us through this teaching for a couple of hours, and last year a number of other people joined us from church. We would love to offer this again to everyone. The teaching is creative and a great reminder of the beauty, creativity and overall work of the Spirit in our lives.

Join us, you will not be disappointed.

‘First Sunday’: Sunday 7th November, 10.30am

Next week Neil will be looking at the theme of ‘Remembering’ in the service, so can we ask you to bring an old photo of yourself, or just a photo that evokes a memory for you! Hope this does not sound too random – it will alll make sense on the day… honest!

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