Theology Thursday

We are running two of these sessions this term on an bird’s eye view of the History of the Church. The sessions will be held in The Vine from 7.30-9.00pm. The sessions will be on 16 and 30 November.
We will be looking at things like:
- How did the church end up as it is?
- What was it like in the early years?
- How come the church had so much power?
- Why did Luther start a new branch of Christianity?
- Why did it grow so much in the Majority world?
- What is our story?
We will be on Facebook Live via our Beyond Sunday Facebook group for those who can’t make it live.
Voices o’ th’ Vine
Our first choir began practising together in October. And sounded brilliant. They continue to practise at The Vine at 7.30pm on Thursday 9 November, 23 November, 14 December.
They will be heard publicly around Christmas, but if you love singing and would like to get involved before then, talk to Jo Wozencroft or Ian Peacock for more details. You will be made very welcome!
Women Together
The women will be meeting in The Vine at 7.30pm on Wed 22 November and 29 November. See Natalie Chen or Susie McGibbon for more details.
Advent Thoughts

We want to run a series of daily thoughts through Advent around the themes of Hope, Love, Peace, Faith.
If you could write no more than 300 words on one of those themes, it could be a reflection, your story, a poem, whatever, then please let Phil Maylor or Neil Hudson know.
If you know a piece of music that would really fit, or a picture that would be helpful, then we could include that as well.

We are joining with Lightoaks Friends in the Park again this year to present Christmas Alive. This year it is happening on Saturday 16 December from 1.00-4.00pm. I am sure many of you will be asked to help out in some way or other. But it would be helpful if everyone would come along even if you are not directly involved. Carols will be sung, candles will be lit, the story will be told, mince pies will be eaten!
On Friday 22 December there will be a Christmas Evening at the Vine. Voices o’ th’ Vine will be performing alongside others, there are rumours of a quiz and the Christmas Alive film. Come along with friends, you can come for the whole evening or drop in for as long as you can.
There will be a morning service on Sunday 24 December and then again a shorter gathering on Christmas Morning at 10.30am.
Visiting Speaker
On Sunday 10 December, a friend of Neil’s, Chick Yuill will be our guest speaker.
He has recently written a novel, Rooks at Dusk, copies of which he will bring along with him to sell afterwards. The royalties from the sales are going to support FOR REFUGEES – a charity working with churches and other organisations to resettle refugees in this country. The book sells for £10.
You might want to come prepared.
Weekend Away
20-22 April 2018; Cefn Lea, Wales
Anyone remember that afternoon’s worship session?
Alex’s remarkable knees?
Andrew’s jokes?
So many brilliant people speaking?
The fire pit and Beatles songs?
Well it’s coming round again:
- Adults: £96
- 11-13: £75
- 8-10: £50
- 3-7: £25
- under 3 free
If money’s tight for you we are very happy to help out with the costs. Talk to us please.
Joanna Northall is starting to take names.
It will be fantastic!
Strategic Ministry Team
This is the group that serves the church by organising events and trying to ensure that things run smoothly. Recently, Maggie and Jay stepped down from that group and were replaced by Glynn and Colin. We want to thank Maggie and Jay for their work as part of the group and thank Glynn and Colin for being willing to step into their shoes.
That means that the group is made up of Jo Northall, Susie McGibbon, Jemma Maslen, Phil Maylor, Colin Thompson and Glynn Davies.
Gift Aid
For the past few years, John Lageu has done a great job at making sure our Gift Aid returns are kept up to date. He has now moved away from that role and we want to thank him for the time and effort he gave to the task. If you give regularly to the church and want to know how we can benefit by claiming back your tax, then please see Bev Walsh, our treasurer.
The Vine
In September, the Governing Body, the group of people who oversee the church (Arthur Whillans, Pearl King, Gill Oldham, Frank Walsh and Steve Hollick) agreed that we needed to appoint someone else to work alongside Sammy in The Vine Café. This will mean that we can ensure that we don’t have to panic about staffing the café if Sammy goes on holiday or is off sick. Some of this post will be paid directly from the church account.
We believe that The Vine is a real benefit in the local area and we want to pray that we will see more and more people coming to faith in Jesus through its work.