Autumn/Winter Preaching
Sometimes the preaching in our church will take long books of the Bible and we will try and get a handle on them in just a few weeks – maybe six or so. And that’s good because it means we can navigate our way through what could be exhausting if we were to go slow. But over the autumn period, we are going to slow down and root ourselves in three really important Biblical chapters. They are Genesis 1-3.
In doing so we are going to try and make sense of a whole range of things: what God’s like, what life is for, what it means to be human, what it means to get things wrong and how we make sense of that.
During September we will be looking at how these chapters help us worship; in October we will look at relationships and why and how they bring joy and pain; in November we will be thinking about work and how we can do more than just cope with the tasks we have to do. Then in December we will think about how Jesus deals with the messes of our own lives.
One of the books that you might find helpful if you fancy reading something during this time is a short one by Marva Dawn called In the Beginning, GOD. It’s been helpful to Neil as he’s been thinking through the series.
What would be helpful would be for you to bring Neil’s attention to music, films, photographs you might have taken or books you have read that might help us all grow in these areas of worship, relationships, work and redemption.
We hope the series helps as we continue to follow Jesus together.
6 Sept: (All Age) Introduction: Created
13 Sept: Created to… Worship God
20 Sept: Created to … live in a marvellous world
27 Sept: Created to … be formed
The Vine Cafe
The summer has been quiet, so we ask you to pray for an increase in people using The Vine Cafe.
Please continue to pray that we will have good conversations, healing and salvation in this next season.
Thank you to Sammy, Janet, Alex, Patricia and Julie who see this as their Frontline, sharing who and what they are for the sake of the Kingdom.
Beyond Sunday
We’ve created a new Facebook group, Beyond Sunday, for people who would like a space to engage with other church members, to think further about sermons or topics raised in Sunday morning services, and to help & support each other.
We’ll post questions at various times, for you to respond to and discuss, but please also feel free to post comments, photos, videos and stories you want to share.
So please join the Beyond Sunday Facebook group, and participate in the discussions.
[button url=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/SalfordElim.BeyondSunday/” target=”_blank” size=”large” arrow=”right”]Join Beyond Sunday[/button]
Hope Village Malawi
Mary will be travelling to Malawi from Sept 30th – Oct 29th. Please pray for her as she travels, and engages in some work at the village.
If you are able to help they have asked for cotton dresses, shorts and t-shirts for the girls, and shorts and t-shirts for the boys. They ask for new ones so that they can be handed up to other families.
Please give them to Mary, or drop them in at The Vine Cafe.
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