Christmas is not too far away…
After many years of Christmas Alive offered in many different places and forms, this year we want to try something different. We are planning an evening of music and drama that will explore the Christmas story taking into account the fact that there is much to the story of Jesus than him being a baby! This is what Ian write on Beyond Sunday, our Facebook page, recently:
If you haven’t heard of The Greatest Showman yet then where have you been?!
For all those who said they enjoyed being part of plays/musicals, now is your chance! We have written a short script around the gospel of John which incorporates some of the brilliant songs from this film with the aim of putting it on as part of our Christmas outreach. There’s just a few months to go so we need to know ASAP who is interested in being part of it (singing, acting, technical roles, behind the scenes). Let me know on a Sunday as we aim to start rehearsing at the start of September (probably straight after Sunday services). Exciting!!
Alex and Andrew and Young Adults
Most of you will know that we are delighted that Alex and Andrew are taking up this new role of discipling young adults (those between the ages of 15-25). We see it as such a crucial time in life and, building on the great work with children and younger teenagers, a really important group of people within our church family. Alex and Andrew will be employed by the church for 10 hours a week and will develop groups and relationships that will help people grow in confident faith in Jesus. Please do pray for them both as they begin.
Staying Connected
Thanks to everyone who has logged into church suite to put their details into the church database. As this is now the main way of sharing contact details with members of the church, it’s really helpful for as many people as possible to sign up and share the information you would like others to have (i.e. email or phone number).
If you haven’t signed up for the app, go to your app store and download Church Suite and then type in the church name and you will be able to register. If you have problems doing this, talk with Phil, one of the leaders, or someone who just looks a little bit techy and they will help you. If you go to privacy and tick the boxes to show the information you would like others to have, your details will then be displayed for others to see. At the moment we have 70 people signed up but only 28 people who have made their contact details visible. Thank you for your cooperation it makes connecting as a church community easier.
Mission Groups
On Sunday 9 September, after the morning service, we will be giving folks another chance to explore all that is involved in the proposed new Sunday mission groups. I know that some of you couldn’t come to the previous meeting. Hope this is helpful for you.
A New Group: Play and Stay
Judith, together with a team of volunteers, will be leading a new group from 28 Sept. It’s a Play and Stay group for parents/carers and toddlers. It will be on Fridays during term time from 1.30-3.30pm.
Judith says,
We would value your prayers as we look to advertise the group, that God will bring along those from the community who will benefit most from it and that it will be a safe place for adults and children to make new and lasting friendships and that strong links can be made between church and community. Thank you.
Midweek Activities – Home groups
Our home groups run in cycles where people sign up and follow a study for a series of weeks.
We currently have 2 Home groups which meet regularly each month.
Julian & Clare’s group meet once a month on a Thursday.
Glynn & Alex’s group meet twice a month on alternate Wednesdays.
If you would like to join one of these home groups please speak to Natalie or one of the group leaders.
What’s so hard about forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a gift we are so grateful to receive but if we are honest don’t always find it easy to give. When hurt happens forgiveness cane become a really hard thing to do even when we know in our head it is the right thing to do.
If you would like to learn and explore the biblical theme of forgiveness we will be running 3 Wednesday evening sessions 7:30pm – 8:30pm at The Vine on 12th, 19th and 26th of September. It’s helpful to know who’s coming so please click here to sign up.
Discipleship Explored
An 8 week course that will help followers of Jesus rejoice in the confidence, unity, righteousness and love which are theirs in Christ. This will be an interactive study on the book of Philippians.
The course will begin on Wednesday 17th October 7:30 – 9:00pm at the Vine
Course Dates: 17th, 24th, 31st October, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th November, 5th, 12th December.
There is a book to accompany this course so let Natalie know if you’d like to so we can make sure there is a book for everyone.
Beginning on Monday 17th September 7:30pm – 8:30pm there will be a monthly prayer meeting at the Vine. Which will happen every 3rd Monday and will be an opportunity to pray together in a really focused way on one particularly issue that is important for us as a church.
We will focus on praying for Young People at our first session.
If you would like more information or have ideas that you would like to contribute speak to Steve Hollick
The weekly prayer meeting on Friday mornings 10:30 – 12:00 continues to meet at church, all are welcome. Speak to Corinne if you have prayer requests that you would like to be prayed for.