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Sex matters – some resources to think further

Leviticus 18 | Sex matters

Following on from today’s sermon on Leviticus 18, here are some additional resources you may find helpful.

Clearly there are lots of places where good, thoughtful arguments can be heard and engaged with about sexuality, so this can be the merest of signposts to some articles and pieces that I found helpful.

This week (5 February 2013), the government passed the second reading of the Gay Marriage Bill. This has a long way to go yet, but it raised a storm of comment.

The Evangelical Alliance posted a comment about marriage generally: David Cameron accused of privatising marriage

LICC’s Antony Billington wrote a reflection: A Bigger Perspective – Connecting with Culture

Perhaps the best blog post I read this week was here: Gay Marriage, Christian Marriage & The Kingdom of God: “Conformity or Contrast?”

It was a blast of fresh air that I appreciated.

A few weeks ago, Steve Chalke, a prominent Baptist minister caused a flurry of activity when he wrote an article for Christianity defending same-sex marriages.  This is the extended article: A Matter of Integrity – The Church, sexuality, inclusion and an open conversation

It caused a lot of people to put aside whatever they were working on and respond.  Amongst them was the EA and Steve Holmes.  Both helpful, specific responses:

Homosexuality & hermeneutics: creating counter-cultural communities by Steve Holmes

Not radical enough by Steve Clifford (general director, Evangelical Alliance)

There is a much longer book online there: Biblical and pastoral responses to homosexuality

Two short videos of sparring partners (in other areas!), Tom Wright and John Piper, are helpful:



Finally, the book about ethics that I often go back to is Robert Hay’s Moral Vision of the New Testament. It’s a serious theological reflection on thinking about how we make sense of our ethical decisions – but it’s also warm and grace-filled.  Recommended!

You can buy it on Amazon or The Book Depository, or you can read sections on Google Books.

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