St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: The Vine Cafe

The Vine Cafe will be closed for a few days over Christmas

The Vine Cafe will be closed for a few days over the Christmas holidays. Our last day open before Christmas will be Fri 23 Dec, reopening Tue 3 Jan.

Christmas opening times at The Vine Cafe

Opening times for The Vine Cafe over the Christmas holidays.

Christmas opening times at The Vine Cafe

Opening times for The Vine Cafe over the Christmas holidays.

The Christie | Towards A Future Without Cancer

Craft Fair in aid of The Christie (Sat 10th Nov)

We’re having a charity craft fair at The Vine Cafe this Saturday from 10.30am, in aid of The Christie Charity.

Video: The construction of The Vine Cafe

A great video showing all the hard work everyone put in to make The Vine Cafe happen.

The Vine Cafe

Official launch night of The Vine Cafe

This Friday (21st October), The Vine Cafe will be holding its official launch night, from 7pm to 10pm.