St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Christmas opening times at The Vine Cafe

Over the Christmas period, The Vine Cafe’s going to be closed for a few days, while we celebrate Christmas.

We’ll be closing early on Christmas Eve, and then we’ll be closed until Monday 5th January, when we’ll be open our normal opening times.

Monday 22nd December9am – 3pm
Tuesday 23rd December8am – 3pm
Wednesday 24th December8am – 12pm
Thursday 25th December
Sunday 4th January
Monday 5th January9am – 3pm

Thank you for your support & commitment to us over this last year.

If we don’t see you before Christmas, we hope you have a very happy Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!

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