St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (April 2023)

Easter Services

Good Friday • 7 April • 10am

To help us remember the brilliant significance of all that happened on that first Good Friday, there will be a time for creative reflection and prayer using a number of different ‘stations’ around the church. It’s a service that will be shared with St James.

If you have children, bring them with you and let them join in the different activities while you explain why we are doing them.

Please note: On that day another large church group are going to be using the hall all day. That means that parking will be tight. It would be best if you could park either on Lancaster Road (there is on road parking around the playing fields), at the Vine or on Tootal Drive and walk through to church. If you can walk to church, then please do so.

Easter Sunday • 9 April • 11.30am

We will be worshipping at our normal time of 11.30am. It’s a great service to invite family and friends to join you. Why not promise them a slap-up Easter lunch if they come with you!

Housegroups & Praying Together

Housegroups begin again on Tuesday 11 April or Thursday 13 April.

We will be praying together again on Thursday 20 April in the Vine at 7.30pm.

Prayer for Salford

On Thursday 13 April at 7.30pm there is a special prayer gathering happening with folks from across Salford’s churches. It will be in the Council Chambers, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA.

The Ceremonial Mayor of Salford will be present.

New Sermon Series

There’s a new sermon series beginning after Easter: Good News in the Season of Storms

One thing we can be certain of: storms will come to all of us at some stage or other. Things can fall apart quite unexpectedly. The relationship we thought was solid can fracture quickly. The job we thought was secure can be lost. Our families can be shaken by news of serious illnesses.

None of us will escape. But all of us have a chance to view them as something that can help us grow. In other words, what if the storms have to happen, not just because we are human, but so our faith in Jesus grows and matures.

The series of sermons will look at what is on offer in the season of storms.

Summer Hog Roast

St. James Hope • Saturday 24 June • 6pm-9pm

This summer we will be restarting our traditional summer hog roast (with vegetarian goodies as an alternative).

There will be entertainment, time to chill, and space for all. It’s going to be on the church grounds and in the hall. So feel free to invite others to come along with you.

Tickets will be £10 per adult and £5 for kids who are 16 and under. You can buy a family ticket for £30 which can include up to 4 children.

Keep the date free. We will let you know when the tickets come on sale soon.

Update on Elim’s Earthquake Appeal

Thanks to all of you who gave to Elim’s appeal for those caught up in the Turkey earthquake. You can read what happened to the money here.

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