St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (July & August 2024)

Welcome to the newsletter for July and August.

This month’s newsletter stretches over two months. August is when lots of us can take some time away from our normal run of responsibilities. We hope you feel really refreshed by days out, weeks away or just a month of tinkering about at home in the longer evenings. 

NEW: Men: Bacon, Banter and Befriending

Saturday 13th July •10:00am-11:30am • The Vine

On Saturday 13 July from 10:00am-11:30am at the Vine, there is a chance to get together with other guys in the church to build friendships, listen to and encourage one another – accompanied by bacon sandwiches. (Veggie is offered!)  

£5 donation would be welcomed.   

Let us know you are coming: either Neil, Paul King or sign up at the Info Stand 

Midweek Groups 

From Thursday 9th July • Various times and locations

Housegroups will continue in these weeks: 
9th and 11th July, 23rd and 25th July and then will take a break in August. Do stay in touch with one another and maybe think about different ways of meeting up with people. 

The Romans course will continue on 4th July and 18th July and then take a break. 

Criccieth Camp 

29th July-7th August • Criccieth

There a number of our young people and young adults going to the camp again this summer from 29th July onwards for 10 days. This camp has had such a formative role in the lives of our youngsters – please pray for all the leaders, those who help and the young people that everyone will encounter God while they are away. Pray for their safety, that relationships will be strong and that everyone will have a great time together.  

Sunday Services in August 

11:30am-1:00pm St James

Our Sunday services continue through August at the same time, but there will be no Junior Church during the month. It gives all the volunteers who work with the children a chance to take some time off and regroup.  

We will try and make the services accessible for children and shorter, but if you know that sitting in a pew for a long time might stretch your child’s patience, feel free to bring activities (that don’t include hooters or bells!) with you. 

Looking Ahead: Church Day Away

Saturday 28th September • 10am-8pm Barnstondale Centre, CH61 1BX

We had such a good time together last year that we thought we would do it again! 
On Saturday 28th September we will be going back to Barnstondale Centre, Storeton Lane, Wirral CH61 1BX.  

We have listened to the feedback you gave us last time – the things you loved, the things that were ok but you could live without, and have constructed a day that will be brilliant for all of us – from youngest children to oldest adults.  

We will have time for some teaching input, worship, silliness, games, crafts, and cake.  

The day will begin at 10am and run through to 8pm.  

The cost of the day is £20 per adult and £10 for children. There will be an evening meal provided, but you need to bring your own packed lunch. Can you bring your own cups/mugs and you might want to think about insect repellent.  

Kate Blundell is going to organise this for us and there are sign up sheets on the Info Table from this week onwards. 

We want everyone to come along to this – it’s one of the few chances we have to get everyone together. If the cost is a problem, we can help. Please talk to Kate about that.  

You can pay direct to the church account – put ‘Day Away’ in the reference box and let Kate know. 


Account Name: EFGA RE Salford 2  

Sort: 60-05 -16  

Number: 18523781 

You can see the place here.

 Please plan to be with us. We need numbers by the end of August. 

Looking Ahead: Newcomers Lunch

Sunday 15th September • 1:30pm-2:30pm • The Vine

Every few months, we have a lunch together for all those who are new to church or feel new. It’s held in The Vine Community Hub, 87-89 Cholmondley Road, Salford M6 8PU. 

It’s held at 1:30pm-2:30pm on Sunday afternoon. 

We will give you a chance to sign up, but if you are new to church and want to get to know us or you know someone who is, please plan to be with us. 

Looking Ahead: Alpha Course

Starting on Tuesday 17th September 7:30pm-9:00pm The Vine

We’ll have our next chance for you to explore the big questions of life and faith in a friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere starting on Tuesday the 17th of September, 7:30pm-9:00pm at The Vine Community Hub. There’ll be weekly sessions to discuss questions such as ‘Is there more to life than this?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘How can I have faith?’

If you have friends, colleagues or family who don’t yet know Jesus, why not ask them if they’d like to try Alpha – who knows where a simple invitation might lead?

For more information, see Ian Peacock.

A Season Of Consecration

Elim has recently appointed a new General Superintendent, Mark Pugh. This role oversees our National Leadership Team.

Mark has been sharing his heart for our movement and the focus in the coming months is on ‘consecration’. 

Mark shares a little about his heart for this season here.

The final session of this year’s Elim Leadership Summit was devoted to the theme of consecration, as the overall leadership baton was passed from the previous General Superintendent of Elim, Chris Cartwright, to Mark Pugh. It’s worth watching.

May we play our part, both as individuals and as a local church, in this time of consecration. It will be exciting to see what God does in and through us

Summer Reading? 

Is summer the time you get chance to read? Here are some of Neil’s suggestions that you might find enjoyable: 

John Mark Comer has written a number of books, all of which are helpful. You could try any of these: 

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world 

Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness as a root of much evil. Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favour of a slower, simpler way of life. 

Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace  

As Christians, we’re all at war with three fierce adversaries of the soul that feed us deceptive ideas to harm our spiritual well-being: the world, the flesh and the devil. Live No Lies parses out the tactics, strengths and weaknesses of these enemies, giving you a clear battle plan and spiritual practices to outwit and overcome these evils. 
Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did  

We all have experienced unwanted parts of our spiritual journey: distance from God, gaps in our character, the fear that our lives will be trivial and empty… Jesus is calling us into more. Calling us to be shaped in his likeness. To experience his abundance of life. 

But how, practically, can we do that? By becoming his apprentice. By practicing the Way. 

If fiction is more your thing, what about: 

Jayber Crow   by Wendell Berry  

A gentle tale about a barber, his unrequited love, and a growing farm in a fictional town in 1930s Kentucky. One of the most popular, serious writers of our time — an essayist, short story writer, and poet — this is by far his most beloved story. A must. 

Peace Like a River Leif Enger  

A miracle-working dad, a son who perhaps shoots someone, a book-writing precocious daughter on the run from the law. A couple of glorious pages about heaven are worth the price of the whole wild, fascinating book. 

Apeirogon Colum McCann  

A creatively rendered story of a Jewish father and a Palestinian father who discover they both have lost children in the war. Breathtaking. 

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