This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about. All the regular events are on our calendar.
Better Together – Our new sermon series
Our sermon series during March and April will explore the ways that women and men can be stronger together, rather than suspicious of one another, or sidelined in power plays. It will have implications for our life together in church, the type of marriages we have and the way we act in the workplace.
You can read more about it here.
Family Walk
Saturday 5 March, 2pm (Clifton Country Park)
All are welcome – from little ones to older ones! Come along and walk at your own pace and distance and chat as you do so. It’ll be good to see you. Full details here.
Lent Lunches
Starting Wednesday 9 March, 12.30pm-1.30pm (The Vine)
A chance to eat, reflect on the bible, pray and worship with folks from St. James and St. Johns. These will take place for five consecutive Wednesdays. For catering purposes, please let Ian know if you intend to come.
Women’s Breakfast
Saturday 12 March, 10am-12pm (The Vine)
This is a chance for the women to get to know one another in a deeper way, share breakfast and all that is happening for them at the moment. Whatever age, you are welcome to be part of this.
After Church Lunch
Sunday 20 March, 1.15pm-2.30pm (The Vine)
A chance to get to know one another better. Drinks are provided but bring your own food. Space is limited so sign up at the church information point.
Leaflet Drop
Volunteers needed
Could you help deliver some leaflets to advertise The Vine and the Easter Open Day? We are aiming to cover the streets surrounding The Vine and should have leaflets ready to deliver around the week commencing March 21. If you could take responsibility for a street or two, please let Ian know.
Easter at The Vine Open Day
Saturday 2 April, 1pm-4pm (The Vine)
A chance to drop in over the course of the 3 hours, have a brew and a chat with folks and learn about what goes on in The Vine during the week. There will be an Easter Trail, some crafts for children, a bouncy castle and live music. Do invite your neighbours, friends and family who don’t come to church.
The Alpha Course
Starts April 26th, 7.30-9pm (The Vine)
We are running another course with the aim of exploring the Christian faith. If you, or anyone you know, are interested in coming along to watch a video and ask questions about faith in a relaxed, non-judgemental atmosphere, let Ian know.
Pray about who you might invite and then go for it!
Festival Manchester
Friday 1st-Sunday 3rd July
This summer there is going to be a large-scale weekend mission event in Wythenshawe Park. Led by The Message it’s an attempt to draw thousands of people to hear the gospel in a range of different ways. There will be speakers and bands that will especially relate to young people, but also events that will be more geared to older folks.
On Saturday 2 April there are going to be 2 prayer events ahead of that weekend at 2pm and 7pm at Audacious Church (Trinity Way).
Pete Greig, Andy Hawthorne and Andrew Palau will lead people in prayer, and Tim Hughes and his band along with Jake Isaac will lead the worship.
There is lots more information at festivalmanchester.com
Get in touch with us if…
- You want to serve or get involved in any of the activities of the church.
- You want people to come and pray with you.
- You want a chance to chat and discern what God might be doing in and around you at this time.