St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (May 2023)

Church Dates to Remember


On Thursday 4 May we have our Prayer Gathering at 7.30 at the Vine. Prayer is vital if we are going to be able to hear what God is saying to us as a church and see his power at work in our daily lives. Come and join us as we worship and discern what God is saying to us in these days.

Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast

Come and join the Elim ladies to share food, fellowship and prayer together Saturday 20th May 10am at the Vine. Great chance to get to know other ladies and to pray about what’s on our minds. For more details speak to Kate Blundell.


On Saturday 13 May a few of us are going to meet up at Pennington Flash at 8am to be led by Steve Christmas in trying to spot and identify the many birds that congregate there. Come and join us – any age. We will grab some breakfast together afterwards.


On Sunday 21 May we will have Luke Flemming from Compassion with us for the service. Quite a few of us have sponsored children through Compassion over the years. This will give us a chance to get some updates and insights into all that Compassion are doing at the moment.


On Sunday 28 May there will be a joint Pentecost service with St James which will start at 10.30am. We will be praying that the Spirit will re-fill us all again.

Summer Hog Roast

Saturday 24 June 6-9pm is our Summer Hog Roast. It’s a chance to chill together, eat magnificent food (there will be great options for Vegans/Veggies), play some games (or watch them happen) and listen to great musicians.

Kate Blundell is coordinating this for us.

Tickets will be £10 for adults; £5 for children; £30 for families (up to 4 children). They’ll be made available via our website very soon – watch this space…

Church Day Away

Please keep Saturday 23 September free. It’s our Church Day Away. It will have all the best bits of the Church Weekend Away but you will be able to sleep in your own beds!

Preaching in June

In June Ian will be preaching each week. The series will explore The Prayers of Jesus.

Prayer. We all know it’s important but most of us struggle with it.

Someone once said that ‘our prayers reveal what is most important to us’. Prayer can also shape us to become a certain type of person.

The gospels give us a few glimpses into the prayer life of Jesus: a window into his inner life and relationship with the Father; how he prayed, what he prayed about, what was really important to him – who he was.

The surprising claim of the New Testament authors is that Jesus is still praying, and he’s praying for us! (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25).

If that is true, what is he praying and what difference could it make? How might we be part of the answer to those prayers? How might our prayer life shape us to become more like Jesus?

Events in Manchester

Aspire: A Gathering for Elim Women: Fresh Momentum

Date : Sat 20th May
Time: 9.30-3pm
Venue: Lighthouse
Tickets : £12 early bird till end of April £15 after this date
Speakers : Olivia Amartey & Dr Catherine Muyeba

We would love you to join us for the day. If you would like to purchase tickets please email Loretta at
or call the Lighthouse Office to purchase by phone on 0161 786 1440

On Wednesday 10 May at 7.30pm there is a chance to join with Christians from all over Greater Manchester at the Greater Manchester Prayer Evening. It’s held at Audacious Church. More details are here.

Elim Leadership Summit (9-11 May)

The Elim Leadership Summit is a gathering of Elim ministers who deal with business to do with the denomination (Neil and Ian will be there in Harrogate) but they also have celebration gatherings.

You can watch these online evening Summit sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7.30pm, along with three morning sessions. These will be available for free on the Elim YouTube channel, to watch live or on-demand afterwards. Simply subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss out on these sessions.

These are the sessions:

TUESDAY @ 10.30am

Called to the harvest – Chris Cartwright (Elim’s General Superintendent)

TUESDAY @ 7.30pm

Messengers of hope in times of challenge – Gavin Calver (Head of Evangelical Alliance)


What do you see? – Boyd Ratnaraja (Leader of Elim Churches in New Zealand)

WEDNESDAY @ 7.30pm

Power – Danielle Strickland (Australian author and speaker)


Confrontation – Danielle Strickland

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