Here is your start-of-the-week newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.
Coming Up
Our Sunday Gatherings
We want to invite you to pray together before the service. From 11am there will be chance to gather together in the small room at the front of the church. It would be great if you could be there.
After each service there will be chance to be prayed with personally. This will be in the side chapel. If you have been part of the prayer team, or would like to pray with people, let Neil know.
What will be happening on Sundays in September
Each week we give slightly more time to one aspect of our life together. This is what is happening over the next few weeks.
Next Sunday: Sunday 26 September: Time to reflect on the sermon
Sunday 3 October: Communion
Home Groups
At 7.30pm on Thursday Home groups will be meeting
Two groups meet online and two meet in person.
The details for these groups are sent out in a personal email on Mondays. If you would like to be included, contact Neil
We have a Cleaning Team Leader!
We have said to St James that we will clean the church and hall once a month.
This began this Friday and then will happen on the 3rd Friday of each month between 11am – 1pm. Phil Lockett coordinates this team. If you would be willing to join this team, please contact him for more details. If you’re not sure who Phil is, ask someone who looks like they might know!
Midweek Small Groups
We have 4 midweek groups that meet on Thursday evenings. Two are in-person, two are online.
The Crafty Crew meet on Tuesday afternoons in The Vine to catch up with one another, and to engage in some sort of craft if they want to. I believe that just chatting is acceptable!
On Wednesday mornings in The Vine there will be a Prayer Meeting starting soon.
There is also a group of Young Adults who meet regularly.
As you can see all these groups are different, with slightly different emphases.
But in general they all exist to do three things:
- To help us pay careful attention to one another,
- To help us to be alert to what God is doing so that
- We can be good news to those around us.
You might want to start a group that does that. It might be a group that meets together regularly and shares a meal together. It might be a group that does something together – walking, fixing stuff, playing a sport – whatever. It doesn’t matter – as long as you can cover those three basic principles.
If you are interested in chatting about this, then please talk with Neil.
An Offer of Counselling Support
One of the ministries we have as a church is the Community Counselling Service. During this Covid crisis we have continued to offer Counselling remotely via zoom or telephone. And of course, now we can do that in person.
If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith Thompson, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.
Looking for Help
Yvonne and Martin run a food-poverty programme, Salford Food Parcels. They would be grateful if there are any of you available to deliver parcels to people who are unable to get to their offices on Langworthy Road. Please contact them if you are able to help.
Alpha – who might you invite?
Following on from our successful Alpha courses last year, we’re providing three opportunities this year to invite friends, family, neighbours and colleagues to hear the good news of Jesus.
We will have flyers to hand out with the dates and times of the courses, as well as social media posts that you can share with your friends. Each course is 12 evenings and the first started on Tuesday the 14th of September, from 7.30-9pm at The Vine, but it’s not too late to join us.
Please pray for God to draw people to himself and let Ian know if someone you’ve invited accepts the invitation, or you can sign up via our Alpha page.
Breathe: Alt Worship
On Wednesday 22 September at 7.30pm there’s chance to gather to worship. It’ll be more intimate, will have space to listen to others share – both their stories and from the Bible. Although led and geared towards young adults, all are welcome to come along.
Kids Work
Important reminder!
Thanks to all those who have completed the online Consent Form for Kid’s Church. If you haven’t yet, please do as soon as you can. You’ll find it on the website by going here.
Morag’s also been handing out Pen Portraits for parents and carers to fill in and let us know a bit more about your children. If you haven’t had one yet, please do collect one from Morag and if you’ve had one… please do pass it back (completed).
‘The Crown of Glory’ and ‘The Daft As A Brush’ Awards
Twice a month, on weeks 2 and 4 on the Kid’s Church cycle, we have a Mini Youth Service. As part of it, we have 2 awards that we give out; ‘The Crown of Glory’ and ‘The Daft As A Brush’ awards.
It’s probably obvious, but to receive The Crown of Glory, let us know what notable thing/s your child has been up to during the week. Maybe they achieved something at school, or just made you proud in some way. The Daft As A Brush is exactly as it sounds…what did they do that made you think ‘Oh my. You dafty.’
To nominate your child/ren to receive these awards, please send Morag details of who you are nominating and why at some point before the Sunday (the next being 19th September, 3rd October, 17th October, 31st October). Morag will be sending out text reminders to parents and carers, but only those who have said she can on their ChurchSuite accounts (it’s a GDPR thing….) So, if you want emails or texts from her and church, please update your settings 👌