St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (September 2023)

Next Sermon Series

The sermons offer the themes that we will centre around on Sundays and in housegroups. We let you know so you can read ahead and be ready for what you hear and discuss and also be alert to what God might be prompting you and us as a church together from the passages.

 We are One … with Different Challenges  (1 Peter)

Peter wrote to a group of Christians scattered across Turkey to help them get a sense of who God had made them and how he wanted them to live. These early Christians had different settings in which they had to stay faithful to Jesus, just like we do. Peter wanted them to understand what Jesus had done for them so that they would live their lives to the full. He would want that for us as well.

DateTitleThemeBible Text
3 SeptBorn again to live againPeter paints a rich picture of all that God has done for us, so that we can live consistently in all our different situations in life.1 Peter 1
10 SeptWe are chosenWhat did God choose us to do? What does it mean to be a faithful presence in situations that are difficult?1 Peter 2:9, 13-24
17 SeptWe are a royal priesthoodWhat did priests do? What does it mean to be a priest for our families, our friends and colleagues?Exodus 28; 1 Peter 4: 7-11
24 SeptWe are a holy nation
(All Age)
What does it mean to be a community of many nations and how do we grow into this?1 Peter 3:8-9
1 OctoberWe are a holy nationHoliness is designed to be lived out in the mess of normal relationships, not least our lives at home1 Peter 3:1-7
8 OctoberWe are called to be a people of praiseWe are called to declare God’s goodness – in the darkness1 Peter 4:12-19
15 OctoberWe are called to be humbleHumility is the key – it marks out God’s people as following Jesus. It can be the mark of our relationships together and can be the mark of church together.1 Peter 5

Midweek House Groups

Look at the calendar for all the things we do during the week. If you haven’t joined a midweek small group now is a great time to do so. Together we reflect on how the Bible makes sense for our lives, we pray together and we try to support one another through the week. We meet every other week on Tuesday or Thursday evenings in different people’s homes. If this is the right time for you to join a group, talk to Neil or Ian asap.

The housegroups begin again on Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 September.

Prayer Together

There is a weekly prayer group that meets every Wednesday at 10.30 in The Vine. If there are things that you would love them to pray about either join them, or let Corinne know and they will be glad to pray for you.

Our evening prayer meetings will be on Thursday 7 September at 7.30 in The Vine and again on 21 September. In this second one we will be joining with Elim churches all around the country as part fo a week of prayer.

This is what Chris Cartwright, Elim’s national general Superintendent wrote recently:

Our Elim Prayer team have put together focussed prayer sessions over the following days which include morning prayer and devotions on Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st at 7.30am, plus a united time of worship and prayer at 7.30pm on Thursday 21st September. This will be broadcast on the Elim YouTube channel.

We invite you to join with everyone across our Elim churches to engage with purposeful community prayer using the events and resources as a catalyst.

More information

Kids Church and Creche

And so, we’re in September again, which can only mean 2 things: kids are back to school and we would like updated Parent/Carer Consent Forms – hooray!

Please can all parents and carers fill in one form for each of your children.


We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view.

Alpha is a series of weekly sessions exploring the Christian faith where you can explore the big questions of life and faith in a friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere, discussing questions like ‘Is there more to life than this?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘How can I have faith?’

Our next Alpha starts on Tuesday 12th September, 7.30pm in The Vine Community Hub and you’re invited to join us.

Find out more and sign up.

Langworthy Live

Saturday 16 September

Langworthy Live is a music festival like no other!

Based upon the popular concept of Chorley Live, Langworthy Live features bands and music artists performing the shops, businesses and community centres down Langworthy road and surrounding area. To take part, all you need to do is buy a ticket for £5 plus 50p booking fee and you’ll be given a wristband on the night that will give you access to all venues.

Invite your friends, family, neighbours and dog walkers to the best community party!

This creative venture is brought together by our friends at Langworthy Community Church.

All the details you need are here.

Our Big Day Away

Saturday 23 September

Thanks to all of you who have signed up to come with us to the Barnstondale Centre (Storeton Lane, Barnston, Wirral, CH61 1BX). Hopefully you have all the details you need, but if you have questions please contact Kate Blundell.

As part of the day we will have our Elim’s Got Talent slot – so come ready to sing, recite, act, tell jokes, do magic tricks, juggle or whatever else you are skilled at!

International All Age Service

Sunday 24 September

If you are lucky enough to have a national costume, then we would love you to come to church in it on Sunday 24th September. Our service will have an international theme.

Need Help?

If you need help in any way, please be aware that we will do what we can. If you, or someone you know, needs financial help, please talk to Neil or Ian and we can offer that. We set money aside each year from our church budget to be able to respond to the needs that are around us.

If you want people to pray with you in a more relaxed environment than Sunday mornings can offer, again talk to us, we would love to do that.

If you, or someone you know, would be helped with counselling, Judith Thompson, a trained counsellor, offers free, confidential counselling. Please talk with her about meeting together.

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