Baptism Sunday
Sunday 15 October • 11.30am • St James Hope
This year 12 people in our church have been baptised – which is absolutely fantastic. On Sunday 15 October, you can be part of this newly baptised group of people.
If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord, but haven’t been baptised yet, why not talk with Neil or Ian and see if this is the right time for your next step on your Christian journey?
Barn Dance
Saturday 14 October • 7pm • St James Hope
St James have a tradition of a ‘harvest’ barn dance and supper and they want to invite us to be part of it this year. To dance our troubles away and to enjoy the pies! The evening starts at 7pm. Tickets are £8 for an adult and £5 for children. Judith has tickets.
Go on, it’ll be fun (or at least funny!)
Getting The Big Picture
Thursday 19 October • 7.30pm • The Vine Community Hub
A chance to get the Big Story of the Old Testament fixed in our minds. We want you to know the order of the Big Story (What happens when) and how the Old Testament fits together (where do the prophets fit in) and why the Old Testament repeats itself (have you read 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles recently?).
So if you are beginner and feel a bit at sea, or a long-time Christian who enjoys these sorts of questions, this evening is for you!
Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 12 November • 10.30am • St James Hope
On Sunday 12 November it is Remembrance Sunday. Because St James want to be able to mark the 2 minute silence at 11am, we have a joint service on that day. The service begins at 10.30. Together with Pentecost Sunday this is the time when we come to worship together. It might feel different, but we are glad to do it to show our gratitude to St James church and to honour them.
Newcomers Lunch
Sunday 12 November • 12.30pm • The Vine Community Hub
On Sunday 12 November after the morning service – around 12.30, we will be holding a newcomers’ lunch at The Vine. If you are new to the church, or still feel new, you are welcome to come and join us. It’s chance to get to know one another, and for you to hear a bit more about our church. We will ask you to sign up at the Info Point a bit nearer the time.
Salford Church Partnership Christmas Prayer Event
Thursday 16 November • 7.30pm • St James Hope
On Thursday 16 November, we are meeting with other local churches to worship and to pray for all that will be happening in Salford over the Christmas period.
Please join us at 7.30pm at St James Hope as we intercede for our city.
Autumn Walk
Saturday 18 November
On the afternoon of 18 November, there’s a chance to go on an easy autumn walk together. It’s suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness. More details to come – just keep the afternoon clear in your diary.
The Hall
If you go into the church hall you will notice that it is looking a lot brighter and better. There are new ceiling tiles, new electric points, the floor has been sanded and varnished and the walls have been painted.
We want to say a big thank you to Charlie who has overseen (and sometimes done) this work for us all.