St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Make Lunch – Filling the holiday hunger gap. Can you help?

Make Lunch is a national project, which provides a two course hot meal and then activities afterwards for children who receive free school meals in term time, and could go without in the holidays.

All of the children attending the Make Lunch run by LifeCentre are from Willow Tree School, where over 60% of children are eligible for Free School Meals, due to their parents income.

This summer they are going to increase their provision to meet this need, by delivering Make Lunch at Willow Tree School for up to 50 children. This is a real step of faith for them, and they need the body of Christ to help them in showing the love of God to these vulnerable children in Langworthy.

They need:

  • Volunteers who can prepare food, wash up, serve meals and clear up under the direction of a Kitchen Manager.
    They will be provided with food hygiene guidance and will need to attend the sessions from 10am-12.30pm.
  • Volunteers who enjoy spending time with children, to chat to them, help them engage with activities and act as small group leaders for children of different ages.
    They will be supported by the Session leader and need to attend sessions from 11.15am-3pm.
  • Volunteers with different specific skills to lead activities and workshops with the children – drumming, craft, art, music, games and much more.
    They will be supported by the small group and session leaders, and need to attend sessions from 11.15am-3pm.

All volunteers will require a DBS check, if they are not in possession of one LifeCentre will provide this.

The summer sessions at Willow Tree will be happening in the first three weeks of the school holidays, on the following dates:

  • Week beginning 20th July
    (20th, 21st, 23rd)
    (11.45am to 2.30pm)
  • Week beginning 27th July
    (27th, 28th, 30th)
    (11.45am to 2.30pm)
  • Week beginning 3rd August
    (3rd, 4th, 6th)
    (11.45am to 2.30pm)

If you can help, or would like more information, please contact:
Beth Myring
LifeCentre General Manager
Mobile: 07842 913570

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