We’ve all got questions. Some are worth exploring in depth such as ‘Why am I here?’, ‘What is the solution to the world’s problems?’ and ‘Is there a hope that goes beyond death?’
The Alpha Course is designed for those who want to explore the big questions of life in a relaxed environment where no questions are off limits. We watch a video about an aspect of the Christian faith and then discuss it – simple!
Due to COVID-19, this will be an online course, delivered via Zoom.
Here’s the Alpha promo video to give you a flavour of the course:
We’re offering two opportunities before Christmas via Zoom to do Alpha; one on a Tuesday evening (starts 29th September) and the other on a Thursday afternoon (starts 24th September). Full details are available via the buttons below.
So if you’re interested, please do come along. We’d love to have you join us to ask your questions!