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Sunday Playlist: Acts 1

As we remembered the greatest week in history on Easter Sunday, we now continue the story of how the risen Jesus changed the world, through his disciples and by his Spirit, as recorded in the book of Acts. Here are a few songs to kick us off on our journey.

‘Our Father’ by Marcus Meier

As we turn our attention to how Jesus’ followers turned the world upside down, it’s worth pausing to remember the prayer Jesus taught them before they went out to share the good news: the so-called ‘Lord’s Prayer’. This simple but powerful song reminds us that it’s God’s kingdom, God’s glory, God’s power, God’s will, we long for on earth – not our own. 

‘Touching Heaven Changing Earth’ by Hillsong

Jesus changed his surroundings because of his constant connection with God the Father through prayer. He regularly went to lonely places to pray, sometimes early in the morning, sometimes during the night. If that was true for him, how true is it for us? ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing’ said Jesus. Let’s ensure we stay ‘in The Vine’ as we seek to share the love and truth of Jesus with our family, friends and neighbours. 

‘God of this City’ by BlueTree

‘You’re the God of this city, You’re the Lord of this nation, You’re the king of this people’ this song proclaims. The trouble is, not everyone recognises it – and that’s where Jesus’ disciple’s (and us, by extension) come in. Our lives; our words and actions, must bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus. As crazy as it sounded, Jesus told them they would ‘even greater things’ than he did! Do we still believe it for our city, our nation, our world?

‘Point of Difference’ by Hillsong United

The tide is turning, this is redemptions’ hour. In the midst of a world lost for love – you are all we have now
The lost returning, salvation is all around. In the midst of the world broken down – you are all we have now
For You are God and this hope is ours

These words, written many years ago, seem particularly poignant right now. Perhaps as the world, through forced isolation, is being starved of the love it so badly craves and the established foundations of economic and political systems are crumbling, there is a unique opportunity to seek the beauty and majesty of God? Perhaps, even for Christians, there will be a stark reality check that shakes us in to seeing the difference Jesus really makes and the difference we should be displaying to the rest of the world?

‘Rescuer’ by Rend Collective Experiment

How is it that some Christians have a knack of making the best news ever seem like bad news?! (or average news at best!) The ‘gospel’ (literally ‘good news’) of Jesus Christ was and still is, the best news, no matter who or where you are: to those held captive by addiction or unhealthy thought patterns and behaviours, the ones failed by religion, the weary, the broken, the ones who walked away. ‘For the good Lord has come to seek and save’.

I hope this playlist brings you some encouragement this week.

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