St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

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The King Is Crowned (2)

What’s your addiction?

What do you take or do that quietens the restlessness, the discontent or the fear?

Have the short-term fixes become your master now?

Can Jesus set us free from addictive behaviours? 

The King Is Crowned

It’s all been leading here. A strange journey to a strange enthronement. The death-machine does its best to put out the light of the world.

But that cross becomes a throne! It’s the old story that’s not just for Easter!

Building Unity In A Divided World

Have you been ‘cancelled’ or ‘unfollowed’ yet?

All you will need to do is express an opinion that someone doesn’t agree with and the pile-on will follow 
as sure as night follows day. Our unity can be so fragile. Some of us know that Christians can be as bad at this as anyone else.

It’s why Jesus prayed for us. It’s the longest prayer we know that Jesus prayed. It might be the most important prayer you will get to listen in on.

Tough Questions: Will You Abide In Jesus?

When the storms hit and you’re surrounded with uncertainty, you need to know how you will stand 
firm. John’s gospel offers the invitation that holds firm.

If Jesus is like a tree, we can be like branches – so close, so connected, so aware of the life of Jesus flowing through us. Enough for the best of days and for the very worst of days.

Tough Questions: Will You Follow The Spirit?

How does The Spirit help me live a creatively faithful life?

Following Jesus is not about trying harder to be ‘good’. It’s not about being frigid or rigid or self-righteous or self-condemning.

It’s about being so aware of the presence of God residing in your life by the Holy Spirit that the whole world seems like an adventure playground you can enjoy with God as you follow Jesus.

Tough Questions: What Do I Do With My Doubt?

Sometimes it feels like you are the only person sitting in the church with doubts. The next thought is to accuse yourself of being a hypocrite. The next move is to stop coming.

Here’s the truth: you’re not the only one. You’re not a hypocrite and you shouldn’t leave. Doubt can be the gateway to deeper understanding.

Tough Questions: Will You Lay Down Your life?

They know what we want. We are bombarded by ads that are personalised. They all offer a better life, better stuff, better experiences. And the advertising world is right. We do want life to be better. We are tired of what we have been offered so far.

Jesus points the way to this blessed life. It’s remarkably simple to understand.

And extremely hard to do.

Are you ready to explore?

Pentecost: Spirit-filled And Brave

Pentecost – the reminder that the Church’s adventures began when the Spirit filled ordinary people and they found bravery and courage they couldn’t have imagined.

For many people around the world, calling yourself a Christian is still a risky thing. But the same Holy Spirit causes them (and us) to stand firm, even when things don’t go well.

We were joined by special guest Rev Lee Proudlove from Open Doors – a group that connects us with Christians under the pressure of persecution.

Jesus: The King of The World

Jesus was such an attractive teacher. He drew all sorts of people to himself: the clever ones, the sophisticated ones and the desperate ones.

What he asks of those who want to follow him is to lay aside their fear of what people might think of them and be courageous enough to follow a totally different path through life.

Jesus: A Different King

What does a successful life look like? 

Is it when everyone praises you – as long as you are doing what they want?

Or is it about everyday acts of consistent service and courageous acts that change things?

Explore with us what Jesus thought was important and the difference it can make for us.

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