St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Salford Elim’s Week of Prayer 2012

Prayer2012 has been labelled as ‘The Year of Prayer’ by several Christian organisations, including ‘Alpha’, ‘YWAM’, ‘Street Pastors’ and ’24-7 Prayer’.

We want to start the year off with a week of focussed prayer and fasting, specifically for the following areas:

  •  For spiritual passion for God
  • For the Spirit to fill us afresh
  • For the church’s mission
  • For our hearts to be warm to one another
  • That we will glorify God in everything we do
  • For all that 2012 may hold for us as part of Christ’s body in Salford

Please sign up for one or more of the hourly slots by completing the form below – those times highlighted will indicate where someone has committed to praying over this week.

Although we won’t have a centralized prayer room on this occasion, you can commit to praying at home, at work, in a regular prayer meeting, on your own or with others – it doesn’t matter, as long as you pray!

Also, don’t forget to come to our Prayer and Worship Meetings on Sat 7th Jan and Thursday 12th Jan at church, 7:30pm, where we can share anything we feel God is saying and to seek God for the year ahead. If you are able, consider fasting (from food, TV, alcohol, etc.) as a spiritual discipline and to make more room for focussing on God.

May we continue to grow together in the love and knowledge of our amazing God this year and see the fruit of prayer and labour for the sake of the gospel.

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